Ministerial Conference on Syria in Brussels

Statement by Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator, at Ministerial Conference on Syria in Brussels

March 14, 2019

As prepared for delivery.

Your excellencies, thank you for this opportunity to speak to you today.

“Syrians are increasingly challenged in their day to day life by limited access to basic services, destroyed civilian infrastructure, limited economic opportunities and massive internal displacement. As the 2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview and the draft Humanitarian Response Plan highlights, Syrians are confronted with soaring poverty in the country - now estimated at some 83 percent.”

“The spontaneous return of 1.4 million people, mostly IDPs, and the possibility of the return of a larger number of refugees – could put more socio-economic stress on these communities in Syria.  Careful thought is needed on what is required for the sustainable reintegration of these IDPs and refugees.”

Given this context, resilience-oriented support inside Syria within the context of the HRP is critical, and it eases the burden on immediate life-saving humanitarian support.

With regard to the countries impacted by the crisis, and as co-chair of the 3RP, I want to add my voice to those expressing their thanks to the host countries and host communities for their generosity, despite the severe constraints imposed by this protracted crisis.  

Turkey has issued over 60,000 work permits to Syrian refugees since 2016 and nearly 14,000 Syrian refugees have registered a business.  And Jordan has issued 130,000 work permits since 2016.

The 3RP remains a central mechanism of support in these countries, and it is worrying that this support for resilience decreased by 62 percent last year.

Your support for the 3RP remains vital for the countries most impacted by the Syria crisis.

It supports the increasingly strained capacities of host countries and communities.

As Jordan and Lebanon begin addressing longer term challenges such as economic reform and development, it will also safeguard the needs of the most disadvantaged so that we leave no one behind.

As the Syria crisis continues to impose severe hardship inside the country and the region, we hope that the international community will continue to respond positively to the 3RP and HRP appeals and strengthen its support for the resilience components of these vital plans.   

Thank you.

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In New York, Theodore Murphy,; +1-718-915-2097

In Brussels, Ludmila Tiganu,; +32 471 702 903